Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Postdoctoral position open in the Baxter lab

We are looking for a postdoc to join the lab to work on the Maize NAM Ionomics project.  Here is the ad:

Postdoctoral Associate

Date Posted

The Baxter Lab at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is recruiting an enthusiastic postdoctoral associate to take a key role in an NSF funded project to combine ionomics (high-throughput elemental profiling) and genetics to identify genes and gene x environment interactions in Maize. The successful candidate will combine QTL/association/nested association mapping data with the wide variety of co-expression, comparative genomic, and other systems biology data sets that are available to create biological hypotheses and knowledge.

A Ph. D in a field related to plant bioinformatics (i.e. plant biology, genetics, bioinformatics, genomics, computer science, statistics) is required. While scripting ability is not required, candidates should be able to demonstrate familiarity with computational/bioinformatics approaches.

The interdisciplinary research environment at the Danforth Center offers an excellent opportunity for career development. Salaries are competitive and commensurate with experience, and the Danforth Center offers an excellent benefits package including medical and 403B matching.

Please send your cover letter, CV and list of 3 references to:
Ms. Billie Broeker, Director of Human Resources
REF: Baxter Lab Postdoc
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
975 North Warson Road
St. Louis, MO 63132

or by email to with Baxter Lab Postdoc in the subject line for consideration.

Job Code


The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and encourages applications from underrepresented groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities.